-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=VOX AERON APPLICATION=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Thank you for taking an interest in the Vox Aeron Imperium. I am Wraith Lord Corsi Mousehold. Rather than talk about the group, you can feel free to ask any member about the group and how we enjoy combat. If you come from another form of Second Life Combat, things here will work similar. We are light Role Play in regards to ranks and there is a great deal more combat and places to fight with Vox.
1) What is your full Second Life Name? Please state only your legacy name not your display name.
2) Have you been in any other Linden Damage Militaries before? If yes, what groups and when were you a member?
2a) If you were a member of another military, why did you leave each?
3) Do you have experience in any other forms of combat inside Second Life? (CCS, VICE etc)
4) Where did you hear of Vox Aeron and why are you interested in joining?
5) Do you have any special skills that would help contribute to the group? (building, scripting, etc)
6) What do you feel you specialize in combat wise?
7) Do you have any alternate accounts? What are they?
8) Do you currently role play in any community? (You do not have to list them)
9) Do you understand what a CoC is?
10) Most talk inside the group takes place in Teamspeak in English. Will this be a problem?
11) Have you ever been banned from another military group? If yes, for how long?
12) Please list anyone that referred you to Vox Aeron.
13) If you were asked to look for a transparent object, how would you go about doing it?
14) Is there anything else you would like to add?
Please give this application to one of the following members:
Kitlongtail Resident
Fox Cheri
Corsi Mousehold
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=VOX COMMAND NOTES=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Logs of conversations here:
Notes that would influence acceptance or rejection.
[] Accept -=-=- [] Reject