3 ‘The ‘‘carnivorous ancestor’’ can of course be figured, as I have, in function of
a morphogenetic and phylogenetic average quantified to fit everything – by
tendency – between the Podostemonaceae/Lentibulariaceae and the
Sarraceniaceae/Dioncophyllaceae.’ (Croizat, 1960: 256).
4 ‘The difference in all these regards between Nepenthes, and Utricularia and
other lentibulariaceous genera is in every respect one of degree, not at all one of
kind. The ‘‘runner’’ which in the latter aggregate becomes by easy steps under
our own eyes ‘‘cladode’’ and ‘‘leaf’’ (cf., e.g., U. alpina/Pinguicula vulgaris) is by
now fully fixed as ‘‘foliage’’ in Nepenthes. .the interrelations between ‘‘foliage’’
and ‘‘stem’’ turn out to be far more complicated in Nepenthes than they are in
the simplest forms of the Lentibulariaceae [i.e., Utricularia].’ (Croizat, 1960: 181-