This study contains an analysis of the relationship between IIT, economic growth and other significant
variables with impact on IIT. To assess the relations between partner countries in trade, relevant variables
were used. The results are consistent with those obtained in important papers from the literature, the case
study being outlined for the economy of Romania.
The results of the model indicated that three used variable (LIIT(-1), LDEP, and LGDPC) have a
statistically significant impact on the bilateral trade flows of the countries. The variables ‘Romanian IIT index
with lag’ and ’the economic growth’ have a direct influence on ‘Romanian IIT index’. The variable ‘physical
capital endowments’ has an indirect influence on ‘Romanian IIT index’. Also, the coefficients of two
variables (’research and development expenditure’, proxy for the innovation efforts, and ’the relative country
size’) are not statistically significant. In future research it is important to determine the level of the HIIT and
VIIT and the determinants for each type of IIT.