In summary, the composition of the essential oil of F. crassifolia peel has been analyzed by GC-MS and its antimicrobial activity investigated. The essential oil contained terpenoid hydrocarbons (85.42%), alcohols (3.3%), ketones (1.8%), esters (1.72%) and aldehydes (0.18%).
The essential oil showed a wide range of antimicrobial activity against both bacteria (Gram negative and Gram positive) and fungus (C. albicans).
It is important to note that the essential oil was effective on inhibiting food-borne and pathogen bacteria, particularly B. cereus among the tested bacteria strains.
In a
meat-based food model, the essential oil showed an obvious effect on the cell viability of the tested
bacteria. Moreover, TEM analysis showed the change of external morphological features of B. subtilis
treated by the essential oil. These results suggested the potential use of the essential oil in the food