Then we would use high performance planning approach. Because, this planning approach enable the company to develop a SMART goals.
So the steps are
First we need to assess both internal and external environment.
Then we develop a goal which fulfills basic criteria of effective goals, (specific measurable, time bounded, address key result areas, challenging and realistic, and linked with rewards). Once we have developed the main goals of the organization the next thing we will do is that developing contingency plan which will be used in a case when the main plan is failed.
To develop the best goals we have to follow the following guidelines:
1. Setting strong mission and vision
2. Set stretch goals based up on the mission
3. Let the employees of the organization to participate in the development of goals
4. Embrace Event-Driven Planning
5. Organize Temporary Task Forces.
6. We have to revise the plan always. Because planning is not a onetime activity. (Planning Still Starts and Stops at the Top).