Accuracy for pain that motivates a visit. The area under the
ROC curve for the pain screening NRS compared to the second
reference standard (pain reason for the visit) was 0.78, again
indicating fair accuracy. 21 % of patients who
reported pain as the main reason for the visit, and 28% of
those with any pain reason for the visit had a pain screening
NRS score of zero. Accordingly, the sensitivity of a pain
screening NRS score of 1 was 71% (95% CI 62–79), and the
specificity was 81% (95% CI 74–86). A pain screening NRS
score of 4 had a sensitivity of 63% (95% CI 54–72) and
specificity of 85% (95% CI 79–90). Likelihood ratios were
similar to those obtained using the first reference standard