The definition of physical and mental health.
Physical means The condition of the body that are normally healthy growth. System of the body can function normally and efficiently. The body has good disease resistance. Free of disease and disability.
Mental health means State of mind that a vacation can provide emotional stability is normal. Can adapt to changing social and environmental well. Be faced with various problems as well. And without conflict or confusion in your mind.
The importance of physical and mental health.
Physical and mental health is important and necessary for all life. To live a normal life is. A healthy mind, body satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness for yourself and others. A healthy body and healthy mind. Whether it is the duty of studying or working as well. We feel that effective. Both physical and mental health of a normal and perfectly fine. We would be happy on the other hand, if our physical and mental health disorders or incomplete. We would be suffering Knowing how to maintain And promote physical and mental health is necessary for everyone's life. It is recognized that the current Knowing how health care And mental health is very important to help live with peace and good quality.
Characteristics of a good physical health condition.
1. a healthy body.
2. Both internal and external organs of the body can function normally.
3. Physical disability
4. The growth of the body is normal.
5. The body gets adequate rest.