The application of modified starches (HDP, ADA) caused the
increase in volume of the obtained gluten-free loaves, and the
observed differences were statistically significant at the levels
above 10%. The changes were accompanied by modification of
structural properties of bread crumb e a decrease of average cell
size, and an increase in their number. Due to the addition of
modified starch crumb structure became more elastic, which was
revealed in the results of stress relaxation. A slight decrease in
hardness and chewiness of the crumbwas also observed on the day
of baking, and its extent depended on the level of modified starch,
and was a little more pronounced in case of starch adipate. Texture
parameters measured on the following days of storage were
stepwise approaching those for control sample, similarly to
the value of amylopectin crystallization enthalpy. In comparison to
the chemically modified starches, HACS deteriorated structural
and mechanical properties of the crumb, which is probably
related to their resistance to pasting and divergence in retrogradation
pattern, where amylose component is more important then