The purpose of this work was to determine the biochemical and nutritional changes of soybean seeds during germination. Soybean seeds were soaked for a period of eight hours and then germinated for 0, 1, 3 and 5 days. Part of them was subjected to an autoclave process. Then, both the raw and cooked seeds were dried, ground and analyzed. During the germination process an increase in the percentage content of protein and fiber in the seeds occurred; cooked seeds, in contrast, showed a slight decrease with respect to the former. Ether extract increased in percentage until the third day, and then decreased on the fifth. In the cooked seeds, higher values than in the raw seeds were obtained, due to the fact that when seeds were autoclaved, protein and carbohydrate losses occur. In regard to ash content, this diminished in percentage as germination advanced; the same happened to the free-protein extract. The raffinose and stachyose sugars, factors which cause flatulence, disappeared on the third germination day. As to nitrogen extraction, a greater percentage was obtained using distilled water as solvent, both for the raw and cooked seeds, than when using NaOH and NaCl. The trypsin inhibitors content increased on the first day of germination and then decreased. Ungerminated, autoclaved seeds, showed no trypsin inhibitors activity, whereas in the germinated cooked seeds, it increased slightly as germination days went by. Regarding protein efficiency ratio (PER), seeds with 0, 1 and 3 germination days presented no significant differences among them, the cooked seeds exhibiting higher values than the raw seeds. Apparent digestibility increased as the germination period advanced, having obtained better values when they were autoclaved. In the soybean milk acceptability test, no significant differences were observed between milk from ungerminated soybean seeds, and milk from the 3-day germinated seeds.