In reality, however, the software giants are not to blame for these
high-profile failures. The customers are not to blame either. The real
culprit is the process.
Revising implementation management strategies can put ERP
solutions back on a successful path. At the root of many ERP
problems lies one overlooked but critical step: new business processes
must be established, thought through, and implemented before software
tools are selected, purchased, and rolled out.
As showcased in the recent media articles, business evolution to
ERP is about more than software tools. Herein lies the greatest
challenge for end-user organizations and consultants working to
implement solutions. To an even greater degree, the success of an
ERP implementation is gauged by its ability to align IT and business
management objectives, demanding program management skills and a
refined process for success.
Sun Server: Who is to blame for ERP failure? 6/24/03 7:46 PM