We are pleased to announce that now we have changed login device of GCMS Plus/MTS Internet from IC Card (USB) to One-Time password (OTP Token)
in order to enhance banking security and increase login channel through various browsers such as Internet Explorer®, Google Chrome®, Firefox®, Safari®, i-Phone, i-Pad.
The OTP Token is now released since July 2015.
There is no requirement to install driver to your computer when using OTP Token. So it will be more convenience for you.
The content of GCMS Plus & MTS after log-in has no change.
After successfully activated OTP Token during the first login,
the current IC Card (USB) will be disabled immediately.
Your understanding and cooperation by let the authorized person sign the additional agreement for 1) Izawa Metal (T) and 2) Izawa Metal Trading (T)
(print 2 copies and sign on the first page + company seal) and send back to K.Sunitha Charukawarakon (JPC4) will be highly appreciated.
Password = krungsri
After we received the agreement, it will take time around 2-3 weeks to proceed and send you the new device.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you.