The constructor used by this example takes three arguments. The first indicates the split direction. The other arguments are the two components to put in the split pane. Refer to Setting the Components in a Split Pane for information about JSplitPane methods that set the components dynamically.
The split pane in this example is split horizontally — the two components appear side by side — as specified by the JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT argument to the constructor. Split pane provides one other option, specified with JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, that places one component above the other. You can change the split direction after the split pane has been created with the setOrientation method.
Two small arrows appear at the top of the divider in the example's split pane. These arrows let the user collapse (and then expand) either of the components with a single click. The current look and feel determines whether these controls appear by default. In the Java look and feel, they are turned off by default. (Note that not all look and feels support this.) The example turned them on using the setOneTouchExpandable method.
The range of a split pane's divider is determined in part by the minimum sizes of the components within the split pane. See Positioning the Divider and Restricting its Range for details.
The rest of this section covers these topics:
Setting the Components in a Split Pane
Positioning the Divider and Restricting its Range
Nesting Split Panes
The Split Pane API
Examples that Use Split Panes
Setting the Components in a Split Pane
A program can set a split pane's two components dynamically with these four methods:
You can use any of these methods at any time regardless of the split pane's current split direction. Calls to setLeftComponent and setTopComponent are equivalent and set the specified component in the top or left position, depending on the split pane's current split orientation. Similarly, calls to setRightComponent and setBottomComponent are equivalent. These methods replace whatever component is already in that position with the new one.
Like other containers, JSplitPane supports the add method. Split pane puts the first component added in the left or top position. The danger of using add is that you can inadvertantly call it too many times, in which case the split pane's layout manager will throw a rather esoteric-looking exception. If you are using the add method and a split pane is already populated, you first need to remove the existing components with remove.
If you put only one component in a split pane, then the divider will be stuck at the right side or the bottom of the split pane, depending on its split direction.
Positioning the Divider and Restricting Its Range
To make your split pane work well, you often need to set the minimum sizes of components in the split pane, as well as the preferred size of either the split pane or its contained components. Choosing which sizes you should set is an art that requires understanding how a split pane's preferred size and divider location are determined. Before we get into details, let's take another look at SplitPaneDemo. Or, if you're in a hurry, you can skip to the list of rules.