This article starts with an introduction on autism spectrum
disorder followed by a review on intervention, treatment and
therapy for children with autism. The CCAS conceptual framework
is used in this research. VR has been studied as a new media to administer autism intervention and treatment. An innovative
design of Virtual Ddolphinariumwas presented to engage
children with autism for nonverbal communication through gesturing.
Multiple senses such as vision and hearing, and hand
gesture etc. built in the Virtual Dolphinarium were discussed.
A pilot study whose tests require the use of skills of Cognition,
Conation, Affect, and Sensation was also discussed. The relation
between the pilot results and the CCAS conceptual framework
can be easily inferred. Table VI shows a comparative view
between physical dolphin encounter and VDI. As can be seen
from the table, the VDI and the physical dolphin encounter are
somehow complementary.