while I am away, can you please help me with a few things:
please advise HR that Friday 24th April should be recorded as a working day for me as I was visiting Krabi with Chris Batterham (I did not punch in / out)
can you please continue to send me minutes of the F&B brief daily so I can keep up to date and call Korarit if I have any questions
can you please ask everyone to take me off their automatic distribution lists for mass emails, I do not need to receive this information (if I want it I will contact them directly)
can you please follow up with Krishsanaporn for the iCLEAN training material and email it to me
if I receive any parcels or letters, can you send me an email to let me know and give to Korarit to drop at my house when he drives past
if there is anything "important" or if you think Korarit needs some support, please just let me know!