Given that the book in which this chapter appears follows on from the very first
ICMI study (Howson and Kahane 1986), it is appropriate to conclude by looking
forward to the follow-up to this present study. It may be that, in another 20 years, we
will have moved beyond flat screen technology, perhaps to a spherical screen for
spherical geometry, and perhaps to ‘virtual reality’ (VR) environments which embed
the user in space, something that is already being tested (see, for example, Kaufmann
et al. 2000; Moustakas et al. 2005). In June 2007, Flatland the movie, an animated film
inspired by Edwin A. Abbott’s classic novel, Flatland (originally published as Abbott
1884) was released. Perhaps, in due course, we can look forward to the release of Flatland
the VR game in which the learner might take part as one of the ‘creatures’ in Flatland and
experience (in ‘virtual reality’) what it is like to ‘live’ in a flat land.