This article examines how the Dual-Situated Learning Model (DSLM) facilitates a radical
change of concepts that involve the understanding of matter, process, and hierarchical attributes. The
DSLM requires knowledge of students’ prior beliefs of science concepts and the nature of these concepts.
In addition, DSLM also serves two functions: it creates dissonance with students’ prior knowledge by
challenging their epistemological and ontological beliefs about science concepts, and it provides essential
mental sets for students to reconstruct a more scientific view of the concepts. In this study, the concept ‘‘heat
transfer: heat conduction and convection,’’ which requires an understanding of matter, process, and
hierarchical attributes, was chosen to examine how DSLM can facilitate radical conceptual change among
students. Results show that DSLM has great potential to foster a radical conceptual change process in
learning heat transfer. Radical conceptual change can definitely be achieved and does not necessarily
involve a slow or gradual process.