Showa Memorial Park is located a little over 30 minutes by train from Shinjuku station. As the park is so large - there are a number of stations to choose from. I chose to get off at Tashikawa station which is around 10 minutes from one of the entrances of Showa Park.Unlike most parks in Japan - I would give yourself a half or full day to explore the whole of this park. It may cost 400 Yen to enter - but it is well spent as the place is absolutely huge. As you can see - there is a large Ginko boulevard at the Tashikawa entrance. These looked fantastic but note they have now passed their prime and are now dropping many leaves. There will not be much left in a couple of days.Showa Park is a place of change depending on the season. At present - there are not many flowers due to the cool weather but you may find a field filled with small windmills or the like in lieu to this.