not to mention those of complexity and the methodologies employed to study them, are so pervaded with values that no analyst can be neutral with respect to them.
The most that can be achieved is explicitness on the part of each analyst about the underlying values, experiences, and analytic commitments that guide and inform his or her work. I have tried to be faithful to the virtues of explicitness in the postscript to this book (see chapter 19). The next chapter wrestles with key conceptual challenges that have to be confronted in order to probe the underpinnings of distant proximities.Chapter 3 focuses on some of the prime sources and consequences that drive fragmegration, an analysis that facilitates, in the remaining chapters of part I, a recasting of global life in terms of how diverse individuals experience distant proximities. The chapters of part II set forth additional conceptual equipment that may be useful to comprehend a world that has moved beyond globalization to continuing clashes between integra-tive and fragmenting forces. The chapters of part III seek to delineate how individuals at the micro level and collectivities at the macro level interact to configure and sustain the structures, processes, and issues that constitute today’s global agenda. Throughout, an effort is made to indicate that while globalization is a central dynamic of our time, it nonetheless needs to be cast in a more encompassing, fragmegrative context if we are to deepen our understand-ing of how and why events unfold as they do. This effort rests on the premise that the empowerment of individuals in the emergent epoch their enlarged capacities derived from new technologies; from their greater educational and travel opportunities; from their experience in having their collective actions topple or redirect governments, corporations, and other macro institutions; and from the advent of what has come to be called the “me” generation—contributes substantially to where the world is headed. This “triumph of individualism” is not always welcome,but its presence cannot be ignored in any effort to grasp the course of events.
ไม่พูดถึง ของความซับซ้อนและวิธีการศึกษานั้น จะถึงจะดังนั้นค่าที่นักวิเคราะห์ไม่สามารถเป็นกลางเกี่ยวกับพวกเขาThe most that can be achieved is explicitness on the part of each analyst about the underlying values, experiences, and analytic commitments that guide and inform his or her work. I have tried to be faithful to the virtues of explicitness in the postscript to this book (see chapter 19). The next chapter wrestles with key conceptual challenges that have to be confronted in order to probe the underpinnings of distant proximities.Chapter 3 focuses on some of the prime sources and consequences that drive fragmegration, an analysis that facilitates, in the remaining chapters of part I, a recasting of global life in terms of how diverse individuals experience distant proximities. The chapters of part II set forth additional conceptual equipment that may be useful to comprehend a world that has moved beyond globalization to continuing clashes between integra-tive and fragmenting forces. The chapters of part III seek to delineate how individuals at the micro level and collectivities at the macro level interact to configure and sustain the structures, processes, and issues that constitute today’s global agenda. Throughout, an effort is made to indicate that while globalization is a central dynamic of our time, it nonetheless needs to be cast in a more encompassing, fragmegrative context if we are to deepen our understand-ing of how and why events unfold as they do. This effort rests on the premise that the empowerment of individuals in the emergent epoch their enlarged capacities derived from new technologies; from their greater educational and travel opportunities; from their experience in having their collective actions topple or redirect governments, corporations, and other macro institutions; and from the advent of what has come to be called the “me” generation—contributes substantially to where the world is headed. This “triumph of individualism” is not always welcome,but its presence cannot be ignored in any effort to grasp the course of events.
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