If it is decided that the promotion is done through
advertising objectives will therefore vary from one
state to another, achieving a materializing them in
the following manner (for example):
1. Cognitive stage:
- information to another 30% of the local
population about the existence and company
- notification of some 50% of current clients of the
firm on the decision to offer new tourism product
'journeys in the Danube Delta ".
2. affective stage:
- Repeated transmission in a total of 10 weeks, an
advertising film for 55 seconds with images from
the Delta;
- information at least 80% of hunters and
fishermen in the area that will be organized during
journeys hunting and fishing outings.
3. behavioral stage:
- interested public notice that 75% of the booking
of accommodation and food centers in the Delta
can be made until June 25.
For promotion objectives correspond exactly to
the actual situation of the environment in which
the travel agent wants to launch „Paralela 45” will
require, first, preliminary analysis market analysis
that focuses mainly on two acres problems: market
definition the economic-geographical terms,
determining influences affecting buying a product
promotional tour.
Develop promotional campaign and budget for
travel agency "Paralela 45"
Given the existing tourism market competition is
necessary to achieve a diversified campaigns
marketing with large potential impact on the
segments of the population.
Particularly important in developing an
advertising campaign is to ensure its continuity as
ever a tourism advertising campaign, no matter