4. Discussion
The main purpose of the present study was to examine the predictability of the teacher trainees' academic
achievement (in this study their GPA was considered) based on their self-efficacy and metacognition scores. For this
purpose, an advanced method of statistical analysis, path analysis, was used. Moreover, the difference between
males and females' self-efficacy and metacognition was investigated.
The results of the SEM indicated that both metacognition and self-efficacy affect teacher trainees' GPA.
However, metacognition was a stronger predictor of GPA. This implies that when teachers have a high active
control over the cognitive processes engaged in their learning, they have a better performance in their learning.
However, one cannot deny the role of beliefs teachers have about their capabilities for organizing the procedures to
achieve the given goals. Therefore, when teacher trainees monitor their performance, plan for the upcoming
sessions, and control over how they think about teaching and self-regulate teaching activities with respect to
students, they have a higher GPA. And its effect is more than teacher trainees' perceived competence to deal with all
demands and challenges that are implied in their professional life.
Also, the correlational path between self-efficacy and metacognition showed that these two constructs are
positively and significantly related to each other. It is consistent with previous research (Kanfer and Ackerman,
1989) who found a positive relation between these two constructs. Therefore, the higher the self-efficacy of the
teachers, the higher is their use of metacognitive strategies. Also, we can say that when teachers have a high level of
metacognition they have a higher self-efficacy.
Moreover, the results of the t-tests showed that gender does not affect teacher trainees' self-efficacy and
metacognition. It implies that there is no significant difference between male and female teacher trainees' selfefficacy
and metacognition.
The present study has some pedagogical implications. Based on the results of path analysis, metacognition
and self-efficacy are two influential factors in teacher trainees' GPA. It implies that teacher trainers should be aware
of their students' self-efficacy and metacognition. Metacognition can be taught and many strategies can be taken to
increase teacher trainees' self-efficacy.
There were also some limitations in the present study which can be addressed in the future research. First,
only two variables of metacognition and self-efficacy were examined in the present study. Other individual
difference variables like motivation and self confidence can be investigated in the future research. Second, the
present study did not use an experimental design. Some experimental procedures can also be used for examining the
effect of training on increasing the metacognition and self-efficacy.