1.1 What is reading comprehension? In order to understand what reading comprehension is, it is necessary to emphasize that the purpose of reading varies among readers. According to Koda (2005), we can read to learn scientific content, to get some information in a list or to find entertainment. Whatever the initial motivation of reading is, the ultimate goal is always comprehension. Also, it is important to say that there are, at least, two levels of understanding. The first level is shallow, the reader can find explicit information in the text. The other level is deeper, it depends on inferential abilities of the reader, because textual information is not always explicit. This level of comprehension only occurs when the reader combines prior knowledge they have, that is, their culturally constructed knowledge stored in a mental scheme as well as the inferential ability. In general terms, reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously extract and construct meaning through involvement with written language. Caldwell (2008) explains that comprehension includes three parts: a)the active process of understanding that comes from an ability (or strategy),b) world knowledge and c) motivation to read a text. Kintsch and Kintsch (2005) say that comprehension is not a single process, the reader articulates a variety of concurrent processes, such as identification of words, for example through phonology and comprehension processes. Reading comprehension occurs when the reader means the text, and it does not occur by summing up the meanings of individual sentences, on the contrary, it is based on the implicit or explicit coherence relations in the text which are processed in the mind of the reader through inferential activity. In order to achieve this it is necessary to perform such cognitive operations of logical connections to world knowledge. We have to bear in mind that both inference and world knowledge are present in reading comprehension. This suggests that comprehension processing is not equal from reader to reader, since there are individual differences in the inferential ability and knowledge or experience acquired over a lifetime. Thus, the cognitive and cultural issues are embedded in the use of reading strategies. Inference itself is a cognitive ability and monitoring is a metacognitive one. For instance, using a dictionary to monitor what is not known is an ability the reader is aware of, it is deliberate, so is machine translation. The question that arises is: What are the reading strategies used with and without the use of Google translator? What is the relationship between such strategies and reading comprehension? Regarding Google translator, because of globalization and easy access to the internet, this tool has been increasingly demanded socially. Nevertheless, having proficiency in a foreign language is a long process, for this reason, the use of Google translator is seen as an aid to understand texts whose language is unknown. However, little has been explored in terms of how electronic translators are used by readers, in addition to that, we do not know the strategies that are involved in this type of reading. Boruchovitch (2001), for example, investigates the repertoire of reading strategies and states that the lack of their use is a problem to be faced in reading. Therefore, we believe it is important to know the strategies when using machine translation and how they can help teachers as well as readers in the area of teaching/learning a L2 / FL.
In this study we are describing global and local strategies as well as cognitive and metacognitive strategies used by readers from different cultural backgrounds and languages, however, they all have the same goal which is reading in English. During reading comprehension the reader may translate unknown words, phrases that are difficult or the text altogether. While reading in the mother tongue is obviously a procedure done in the L1, when the translator is used reading becomes a hybrid process because both L1 and L2 are at stake. Finally, reading comprehension is seen here as production of meanings from the text that is mostly accomplished through cognitive strategies. In the specific case of this study, when using the electronic translator reading comprehension must occur differently than when one reads without any support strategy. This means that the tool changes the way we process information.
พื้นหลัง 1.1 What is reading comprehension? In order to understand what reading comprehension is, it is necessary to emphasize that the purpose of reading varies among readers. According to Koda (2005), we can read to learn scientific content, to get some information in a list or to find entertainment. Whatever the initial motivation of reading is, the ultimate goal is always comprehension. Also, it is important to say that there are, at least, two levels of understanding. The first level is shallow, the reader can find explicit information in the text. The other level is deeper, it depends on inferential abilities of the reader, because textual information is not always explicit. This level of comprehension only occurs when the reader combines prior knowledge they have, that is, their culturally constructed knowledge stored in a mental scheme as well as the inferential ability. In general terms, reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously extract and construct meaning through involvement with written language. Caldwell (2008) explains that comprehension includes three parts: a)the active process of understanding that comes from an ability (or strategy),b) world knowledge and c) motivation to read a text. Kintsch and Kintsch (2005) say that comprehension is not a single process, the reader articulates a variety of concurrent processes, such as identification of words, for example through phonology and comprehension processes. Reading comprehension occurs when the reader means the text, and it does not occur by summing up the meanings of individual sentences, on the contrary, it is based on the implicit or explicit coherence relations in the text which are processed in the mind of the reader through inferential activity. In order to achieve this it is necessary to perform such cognitive operations of logical connections to world knowledge. We have to bear in mind that both inference and world knowledge are present in reading comprehension. This suggests that comprehension processing is not equal from reader to reader, since there are individual differences in the inferential ability and knowledge or experience acquired over a lifetime. Thus, the cognitive and cultural issues are embedded in the use of reading strategies. Inference itself is a cognitive ability and monitoring is a metacognitive one. For instance, using a dictionary to monitor what is not known is an ability the reader is aware of, it is deliberate, so is machine translation. The question that arises is: What are the reading strategies used with and without the use of Google translator? What is the relationship between such strategies and reading comprehension? Regarding Google translator, because of globalization and easy access to the internet, this tool has been increasingly demanded socially. Nevertheless, having proficiency in a foreign language is a long process, for this reason, the use of Google translator is seen as an aid to understand texts whose language is unknown. However, little has been explored in terms of how electronic translators are used by readers, in addition to that, we do not know the strategies that are involved in this type of reading. Boruchovitch (2001), for example, investigates the repertoire of reading strategies and states that the lack of their use is a problem to be faced in reading. Therefore, we believe it is important to know the strategies when using machine translation and how they can help teachers as well as readers in the area of teaching/learning a L2 / FL. 71 ในการศึกษานี้เราจะอธิบายกลยุทธ์ในส่วนกลาง และท้องถิ่นรวมทั้งรับรู้ และ metacognitive กลยุทธ์ใช้ โดยอ่านจากภูมิหลังทางวัฒนธรรมที่แตกต่างกันและภาษา อย่างไรก็ตาม พวกเขาทั้งหมดมีเป้าหมายเดียวที่อ่านภาษาอังกฤษ ในระหว่างการอ่านจับใจความ อ่านอาจแปลไม่รู้จักคำ วลีที่ยากหรือข้อความทั้งหมด ขณะอ่านในลิ้นแม่อย่างชัดเจน เป็นขั้นตอนที่ทำใน L1 เมื่อมีใช้ตัวแปลอ่านกลายเป็น กระบวนการผสมเนื่องจากอยู่ในภาวะเสี่ยงทั้ง L1 และ L2 ในที่สุด อ่านจะเห็นที่นี่เป็นการผลิตความหมายจากข้อความที่ส่วนใหญ่ได้ผ่านกลยุทธ์รับรู้ ในกรณีเฉพาะของการศึกษานี้ เมื่อใช้ตัวแปลอิเล็กทรอนิกส์อ่านทำความเข้าใจต้องเกิดขึ้นแตกต่างกว่าเมื่อหนึ่งอ่านไม่มีกลยุทธ์ใด ๆ สนับสนุน นี้หมายความ ว่า การเปลี่ยนแปลงเครื่องมือแบบเราประมวลผลข้อมูลด้วย
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