Next, phubbing less caring of family and friends. Excessive use of Internet and Social Networking Sites may limit the proper interpersonal skill development. When interpersonal communication skills are depleted, conflict resolution and problem solving skills are also in declination. Indicated that responses to hypothetical conflict situations are similar to responses observed in real-life experiences. The increase of adolescence reliance on technology for communication with the declination of face to face interaction will result in decreased ability to handle real-life conflicts. Adolescents that have close online relationships, they were reported high amounts of conflict and felt frightened or were in significant trouble did not reach out and communicate with their parents. The ineffective problem solving skills can jeopardize safety and lead to series violence acts. A study published by American Psychologist was one of the earliest researches to examine the relationship between Internet use and social involvement and psychological well-being. The study was conducted of ninety-three families, consisted of 256 people, in their first twelve to eighteen months of being online. Results were found that increased Internet use has affected in the decreased of social involvement, feeling lonelier, and in depressive symptoms were increase. The higher the Internet use, the less communication among family members. The Pediatrics Journal warns of teens that excessively spend time Facebook that they may suffer from Facebook Depression Syndrome. The scholars from American Academy of Pediatrics argue that being rejected on Facebook can be more harmful than being ignored by their actual friends which could be followed by mental illness and would commit a suicide. Moreover, study led by Joanne Davila at Stony Brook University found that texting, email and social networking sites can negatively impact teens to obsess over certain issues rather than solving conflicts. One of the things we are finding is that there are people who are at a greater risk to the negative interactions in social networking and consequently feeling depressed or sad