In the Stormy Gorge, a huge crowd had gathered which almost seemed endless, the crowd had gathered in front of the Life and Death Arena. They were all young disciples of the Yun Hai Sect who were excitedly talking amongst themselves. There was such a larger number of disciples that they were all standing shoulder to shoulder. Looking down from above it looked like thousands upon thousands of ants.
On the top of the cliffs surrounding the gorge there was also a large crowd of people looking down at the gorge. They were all staring at the people in the arena, these people all had sharp expressions on their faces. There was a powerful Qi which was filling the atmosphere around the arena.
There were some people within the gorge who were extremely strong compared to the average disciple of the sect. They were the high level disciples of the sect. Nan Gong Ling, many years ago was one of those disciples. Nan Gong Ling sat in the middle of the high level Yun Hai Sect disciples and elders.
Those participating in the Elite Disciple Exam were some of the most important disciples of the Yun Hai Sect. It was the first time in many years that there were so many ordinary disciples who would attend Elite Disciple Exam. Some of them were going to become Elite Disciples within the sect and some of the strongest participants could even become Core Disciples.
Of course, some of them were going to be eliminated from the exam altogether.
That was the rule: fight and win or be eliminated.
Ordinary disciples who sat the exam might have to fight with the current elite disciples. The battles were randomly arranged. If the ordinary disciple won, he would probably be chosen to become an elite disciple. If an elite disciple lost, he lost face and reputation.
On the same basis, if an elite disciple wanted to become a core disciple, he would then need to fight a core disciple and win. If an elite disciple could defeat a core disciple then he could become one of the core disciples and would definitely gain a lot of prestige and recognition from the high ranking members of the Yun Hai Sect.
The rules were very simple. You would have to fight repeatedly, fighting an elite disciple would enable an ordinary disciple a chance at promotion. There were people at the Elite Disciple Exam who had big arrogant smiles on their face from winning and there were others who looked depressed as they were eliminated.
It was the first time in the year that all of the ordinary disciples, elite disciples and the core disciples were present in one place.
It was the second time this year that the ordinary, elite and core disciples were going to be ranked.