Grandmother asked her granddaughter about three eatables. She asked,” Which one are you? Carrots? Eggs or Coffee?” The granddaughter got puzzled. Then grandma took her in the kitchen and took three bowls, in one of them she placed some carrots, in the other bowl she put an egg, and the third bowl contained some coffee beans. Grandma pour some water in all three bowls and put them on stove to get them boiled. They both waited until the water got boiled. Now grandma took all three eatables out in a plate and asked the young lady again,” Which one are you? Carrots? Eggs or Coffee?” Again the girl didn’t understand.
Grandmother now asked her to feel them. Further grandma explained that, “We let these three eatables to face the same adversity, i.e. boiling water, in which the carrots went in hard, strong and unrelenting, but came out soft and weak. The egg was easy to break which was shielded by a delicate shell, but upon boiling it got hard! And third, the coffee beans turned the boiling water itself into something new or in other words it gave the water its own essence. It is us who responds in our own way when adversity knocks on our door”. Now the girl understood her question that,” Which one are you? Carrots? Eggs or Coffee?”