Please find attached a schedule of unit rates (SOR) for cable pulling work of Khanom Power Plant for your review and agreement.
The given rates in the SOR are based on our budget for Khanom power plant project and are in line with the concept of U-Thai power plant.
In addition to the above unit rates, MSL will offer a % mark-up for indirect costs of Subcontractor (similar concept to U-Thai power plant).
The % mark-up is subject to the scope of responsibility (provision of indirect personnel & facilities) to be clarified & agreed.
For clarity, the provision of indirect personnel & facilities are including but not limited to:
· Site supervisors, QC, safety officer, store keeper, material controller for the scope of subcontractor’s work.
· Office and store containers for subcontractor’s personnel.
· Tools & equipment for cable pulling; such as cable drum stand, cable rollers
· Transportation of subcontractor’s personnel & workers to and from the job site.
MSL will provide hiab crane & transportation for heavy equipment to the job site (e.g. cable drum).
Should you confirm the same scope of responsibility as U-Thai power plant, MSL consider to offer you a % mark-up of +15% on top of direct cost(re-measured work).
We are now considering the work quantity to be subcontracted (in a range of 100K – 300K meter) depending upon work capacity of subcontractor.
The schedule to start the work is right after Songkran holidays (i.e. 17th April)
Please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience should you require further clarifications/ discussions.
We expect to finalize a subcontract agreement ASAP before end of March.