„Behind has one flock of flies, can kill them?” Wu Yazi wrinkled the brow saying that he let off Long Tianming these people, has not thought that Long Tianming these people were unexpectedly endless.
„No need, making them with coming, to thousand imaginary ** in solves again!” Nie Li smiles was shaking the head saying that „comes with me!”
Nie Li sneaked in thousand imaginary **, Xiao Yu follows.
Wu Yazi turned head to look at Long Tianming et al., snort, then with Nie Li and Xiao Yu same place, sneaked in thousand imaginary **.
Three people also vanish.
Sees this, Long Liu looked that said to the Long Tianming running together of two syllables in rapid speech: „Young master, they really know thousand imaginary ** entrance!”
„I saw!” In the Long Tianming eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly a extraordinary splendor, the sinking sound said that „all people follow!”
Whiz whiz whiz, one group of people also sneaked in thousand quickly imaginary **.
The Nie Li three people entered thousand imaginary **, the ghost that the surroundings constantly change everywhere, from time to time is woods, from time to time is a piece of prairie, from time to time arrived in an abyss canyon.
„Really worthily is thousand imaginary **!” In the Wu Yazi heart darkly sighed that in thousand imaginary **, he completely lost the direction. Nie Li is bringing, he does not know where toward walked.
Thousand imaginary ** altogether has over a thousand changes, Nie Li is inducing in carefully the change of Qi, looked at Wu Yazi and Xiao Yu, the corners of the mouth shows a faint smile saying: „Comes with me, we teach these first with fly!”
Long Tianming et al. entered thousand imaginary **, here all ever changing, making them completely lose the direction.
„That three people?” Long Tianming wrinkled the brow.
At this time, thousand imaginary **, could not see the Nie Li three people of traces completely.
Damn, unexpectedly with losing!
Entered imaginary these thousand **, Long Tianming et al. are then completely muddled, does not know where should go.
More than 20 individuals, in thousand imaginary ** is going through.
At this moment, the following person's shadow of team flashes past. Puff, blood lasing, Heavenly Axis Realm Expert had not responded with enough time that directly was struck to kill. Has poured.
„What's the matter?” Long Tianming turns head to look, deeping frown, he was inducing Wu Yazi Aura, but he responded that ground on only the remaining corpses.
But Wu Yazi. Vanished without a trace!
That Wu Yazi is borrowing thousand imaginary ** a strength copes with them!
Long Tianming was depressed, entered these thousand imaginary **, they completely became the one who has eyes yet fails to see, where basic does not know including Wu Yazi et al.!
Long Tianming behind Heavenly Axis Realm Expert directly was struck to kill, waits for Long Tianming to turn head, discovered that Wu Yazi vanished without the trace.
„Bastard!” Long Tianming angrily cursed, he is about to have been wild with rage, the sinking sound said that „all people formed the defense strategy, careful sneak attack!”
At this time. From Long Tianming et al. 200 meters remote, the Nie Li three people calmly are only standing.
Wu Yazi has been convinced to Nie Li, looks at not far away to be anxious, Long Tianming that et al. looked around in all directions, looked that said to Nie Li: „Actually do you achieve? Why we leave with them such nearly, can't they same see us with the blind person?”
Nie Li said with a smile lightly: „Thousand imaginary ** a profound mystery, may so be incessantly little.”