You weakling! Are you acting because you don’t want to work?
“If you’re going to work like this, then give up right now!”
The boss, who hadn’t paid him his three weeks’ worth of payment, yelled at him.
Even when he was sweating all over from fever, and dark rings forming around his eyes, the boss never admitted that Hyun was sick.
Back then he couldn’t eat much, so his stamina wasn’t very good, and because of that he was always scolded on.
Other employees, too, scolded him whenever he did something wrong, whether big or small.
“Useless one.”
“Why should we use someone as brainless as him?”
“It’s better to not have you here at all. You only cause problems.”
“You trash! Because of you we have even more work now.
Weed felt his eyes getting watery.
‘I’m as weak as the amount of tears I let out. I’ll never cry.’
He gritted his teeth and endured. This time his pain wouldn’t stay much longer.
His body was weak all over and his Life status was still decreasing.
He was alive so far thanks to his monstrous amount of Endurance, but soon, he would die.
He just had to wait a bit for the nausea to die, and then he too will die completely.
Only, death is not the end.
Right away, a special skill activates as a Blood Necromancer.