With Digital Media at the very heart of the theme for Media Culture 2020 it was only
appropriate for technology to continue playing a vital role regarding collaboration during the
phase of the workshops in Tampere and Liepaja. After an initial task to complete outstanding
pre-workshop group assignments, the main task was set, only this time, instead of being
explicitly asked to use Google Docs, the students were observed creating Google Docs
documents to share information, research sources, ideas and in some instances, even used
them as replacements to word-processing software despite having such a facilities at their
The main task was for each student group to prepare concepts demonstrating how technology
will impact on or improve a shared European media culture in the year 2020. When
considering their responses, students were free to use any existing platform or create one
entirely from scratch. The assignment was for each student team to design two concepts for
the platforms/channels a-e or a combination of them. (Two concepts: it could be one concept
but applied for two different channels/platforms, or two different concepts)