a rapidly increasing network operational expense caused
by the construction, maintaining and power consumption
of a large number of BSs;
severe inter-cell interference, due to the dense deployment
of BSs, which are logically independent of each
other without full cooperation;
low system hardware resource utilization rate. Note that
under current network architecture, each BS must be
designed with high capacity to support the maximum
possible traffic load in its cell. When the traffic load is
low, most of the capacity is wasted, because the hardware
resource of BSs, such as computation and memory
capacity, cannot be shared among different BSs since
they are isolated from each other.
a rapidly increasing network operational expense causedby the construction, maintaining and power consumptionof a large number of BSs; severe inter-cell interference, due to the dense deploymentof BSs, which are logically independent of eachother without full cooperation; low system hardware resource utilization rate. Note thatunder current network architecture, each BS must bedesigned with high capacity to support the maximumpossible traffic load in its cell. When the traffic load islow, most of the capacity is wasted, because the hardwareresource of BSs, such as computation and memorycapacity, cannot be shared among different BSs sincethey are isolated from each other.
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