But Mr Crewe' s good friend - - - - ' began Miss Minchin.
' Mr Crewe' s good friend, ' said the lawyer, ' ran away with all with all Mr Crewe' s money. Ralph Crewe was ill with a fever, and when he heard about this, he got worse. A week later he was dead. '
' Dead ! cried Miss Minchin. ' But what about his daughter Sara? And this expensive birthday party?
' Sara Crewe has no money. ' said the lawyer. ' Not a penny in world, Miss Minchin. Not a penny. '
' She must leave my school at once, ' Miss Minchin said angrily. ' She must go this afternoon ! '
' Where ? said the lawyer. ' Out into the streets ? An eleven- year- old girl ? That' s not going to look very good for your school, Miss Minchin. ' Miss Minchin' s face went red.
' You can' t put her out in the streets, ' said the lawyer. He stood up. ' But perhaps she can work for you. '
The lawyer left, and Miss Minchin called her sister Amelia. ' Bring Sara Crewe her at once, ' she siad.
Two minutes later Sara, in her beautiful blue party dress, stood in front of Miss Minchin.
' Have you a black dress, sara ? ' Miss Michin said coldly.
' Yes, Miss Minchin, ' said Sara. ' But it ' s very small. '
'GO and put it on at once, ' side Miss Minchin. ' Your father is dead. There were no diamond mines, and your father' s friend ran away with all his money. You have nothing. Not a penny. But I am going to be very kind to you. You can stay in my house, but now you must be a servant and work for your bread. You can sleep in a servant' s room upstairs, next to Becky' s room. '