Goals: Tracheal suction is a method to clean the airway from discharge. This
method is used for patients with reduced level of consciousness and respiratory
muscle weakness who are not able to cough and discharge their secretions.
There exist two suction systems: open suction system [OSS) and closed suction
system [CSS). This study aims to improve application of closed suction in
intensive care unit.
Methods: This study is an action research. 60 ICU nurses were selected
through convenience sampling, 30 of whom were chosen by random sampling.
The required data was gathered by the help of observation, interviews and the
standard American Association of Critical Care Nurses [AACN)
questionnaires. The following steps were exactly taken in the present study:
precise statement of the problem, gathering information, planning and goal
setting, implementation, and evaluation. In the present study, using the
questionnaire and interview, problems associated with closed suction were
prioritized and solutions were found out through silent brain storming and
participation of nursing staff. Affordable solutions were eventually taken.
Results: The prevalence of preference for using closed suction before the study
was 10.5% and 66.7% afterwards. The frequency of using the open suction
method, according to the connectedness of closed suction to patients, was 60%
before the intervention and 57.1% after that. No significant difference was
observed between the mean score of suction before and after the intervention
Conclusion: Action research is a suitable way to change and improve nurses’
performance, since in this method, taking the advantage of the staff’s comments
and involving them in the study makes it plausible to bring about changes
faster. Additionally, the made decisions would be more stable and reliable
among the nursing staff.