Specifically, H1 predicts an evaluation difference score that is significantly positive for the SL
Dominates condition and significantly negative for the NSL Dominates condition. Descriptive
statistics for the negativity absent conditions are summarized in Table 1, Panel A. The significance
of the difference scores were tested using t-tests. As shown, the evaluation difference score for the
SL Dominates condition is 1.15 and is significantly greater than 0 (t-statistic ¼ 4.52, one-tailed pvalue
, 0.001). The evaluation difference score for the NSL Dominates condition is 0.70 and is
significantly less than 0 (t-statistic ¼2.29, one-tailed p-value , 0.017).
Specifically, H1 predicts an evaluation difference score that is significantly positive for the SLDominates condition and significantly negative for the NSL Dominates condition. Descriptivestatistics for the negativity absent conditions are summarized in Table 1, Panel A. The significanceof the difference scores were tested using t-tests. As shown, the evaluation difference score for theSL Dominates condition is 1.15 and is significantly greater than 0 (t-statistic ¼ 4.52, one-tailed pvalue, 0.001). The evaluation difference score for the NSL Dominates condition is 0.70 and issignificantly less than 0 (t-statistic ¼2.29, one-tailed p-value , 0.017).
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