Select the model to use for controlling adjustments of the sales price in the Items table.
If you set the model to None, the sales price is changed regardless of the production cost or the purchase price.
If you decide to use a fixed contribution ratio, set the field to Contribution ratio. In the Contribution ratio field, you specify the desired contribution for use in calculating the sales price.
The sales price can also be controlled based on miscellaneous charges. Miscellaneous charges are charges such as freight or fees. They can be added to either the production cost or purchase price depending on the selection in the Base price field. In that case, the value of the field should be the same as the Misc. charges pct.. The percentage is specified in the Misc. charges pct. field. If you enter a value in both Contribution ratio and Misc. charges pct., it only affects the selection in the Sales price model field. Therefore, if either Contribution ratio or Misc. charges pct. are selected, it does not matter to use both fields. If None is selected, you do not have to enter values in either the Contribution ratio or Misc. charges pct. field.