Ra Rayleigh number
D diffusivity of CO2 in brine
D1 distance from mesh m to the interface between meshes
m and n
D2 distance from mesh n to the interface between meshes
m and n
Dmn distance from mesh n to mesh m
g gravitational acceleration
K permeability
MCO2 molar mass of CO2
n surface normal vector
P pressure
q Darcy flux
S surface area of connected mesh interface
t time
T temperature
V mesh volume
Vu partial molar volume
X0 concentration at the top boundary
Xi mass fraction of component i
Xs salinity
X, Y, Z Cartesian coordinates
a intersection angle
dc critical thickness of diffusive boundary layer
kc critical wavelength
l dynamic viscosity of brine
q density of the aqueous phase
qi partial density of component i
/ porosity of the formations
r gradient operator
i (i = 1, brine; i = 2, CO2)
c critical