I punched the wall next to me in anger until my knuckles started bleeding. “Mister what are you doing?” the waiter yelled in total shock. I ignored him, because I didn’t give a f*ck about anyone. My Olive was gone! She was gone! “Olive, I’m sorry” I whispered as tears continued to stream down my face. But she wasn’t here to listen to my pleads, I was all alone once again. My Olive was gone and there was only one person to blame and that f*cking idiot was bawling his eyes out in a f*cking coffee shop. I felt my head spinning, my whole world was actually spinning. I decided to go home and get drunk to cope with this.
[Olivia’s POV]
I don’t know how I got home since everything after I left the coffee shop was one big blur. I was just glad to be home. I took a long shower and wore my favorite pajamas. I sat on my bed for a while. I felt numb, like someone had flipped my emotional switch off. I didn’t even shed one tear after hearing Neymar’s confession. I guess I was too tired to go through a second heartbreak in a short amount of time or maybe I was in a state of shock. I didn’t know, but this numbness scared me. I never expected that Neymar would ever hurt me, but he did…just like Marc. I guess in the end guys are just jerks and only care about themselves and their satisfaction. They don’t care whom they hurt in the progress. I was fed up, fed up of crying for stupid guys, guys who flirted, lied, betrayed and now even blackmailed. I sighed, feeling foolish for believing that Neymar was different. Marc had been perfect and look where that perfection had gotten me in the end! Neymar was just the same. They had both played one twisted game with my heart and mind. Did Neymar even realize how terrified and paranoid I was when I had received those text message? How the hell is it possible for a person to do this ‘in the name of love’? He was f*cking insane! I sighed and decided to stop wasting my time and energy on him. I finally started to appreciate that my emotional switch was turned off.I took a deep breath and decided to call Alberto. I had finally made up my mind. I would take up on his offer if it was still open. “Hey Alberto, it’s me Olive. I have decided that I’ll be honored to take up on your offer, if it’s still open that is!” I announced. “Oh wow Olivia! I thought you didn’t like the idea initially since you had to leave the country?” he asked, surprised. “I have changed my mind. I think it’ll do me good to be out of the country for a while. I want to learn and grow not just about photography but also about other countries, cultures, etc. I want to broaden my horizons” I said. “That’s the Olivia I know! The offer still stands, so I’ll inform them that I have found the perfect candidate” Alberto said in a cheerful tone. “Thank you so much Alberto, you are amazing!” I said. “Talent should always be rewarded” he chuckled, which made me smile. “When can I leave?” I asked. “You seem like you want to flee the country” he chuckled. “I think I have caught the travel bug” I said. “You can leave in 2 days if you’d like” he said. “That would be awesome, sign me up” I said. “Alright Olive, I’ll let you know the departure details and everything once I know more” he said. I thanked him and ended the call. I felt excited and looked forward to go abroad for half a year. I informed my parents and Adrian later that night. They were absolutely thrilled and very proud of me for this achievement, because it was an achievement after all. I was offered a photography internship at Vogue magazine with a fixed salary and accommodations included! That was indeed an offer I couldn’t decline, but I had considered declining it...because of…no, I didn’t even want to think about him. I looked forward to travel the world, starting next week. I went to bed early and fell into a restless sleep. My phone woke me up in the middle of the night. I checked the caller-id and switched my phone off. For the first time I felt relieved that my internship at Camp Nou was done. I didn’t have to face him anymore.
▶Now we finally know what Alberto told her the other day! Night♥◀
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