League believe more good young athletes turned oft by the pressure of orgonired little are helped, uttle Leagues have no volue as o tralning ground for baseball fundamentals. The instruction at that age, under the pressure of an organlied league program, creates more doubt and eliminates the naturalness that is most important. frm going to criticite such popular program os Little League, l'd better have thoughts or what changes would fike to see, has First of all would not start ant programs until the school year is over. Any young student in enough of a schedule during the school year to keep busy. These programs should be played the afternoon with a softball kids have a natural fear of a baseball it hurts when it hits you. A softball is bigger, easier to see ond easier to hit. You get to run th bases more, and there is not as much danger of injury if one gets hit with the ball. and girls should play together. offerent teams would be chosen Boys be young adults home from every day. The instructors would college, or high school graduates. The instructor could be the pitcher and the umpire at the same time.