Unicorns were thought to be so fast and so smart that it was nearly impossible to catch one alive. But medieval manuscripts describe two ways to do it both by deception. The first method required a great deal of courage. Hunters were advised to chase ar annoy the unicorn until it was angry enough to attack. Then the hunter was to stand boldly in front of a tree as the animal charged directly at him.
Just as the last minute, the hunter would leap aside. The unicon's horn would go into the tree instead of the hunter, and the animal would be stuck fast.
Although unicorns could be dangerously fierce, especially when hunted, they were believed to be very gentle with young girls. So another way to catch the animal was to use a pure-hearted maiden as bait. The maiden would sit in a clearing, and the hunters would hide nearby. The unicorn would approach the maiden without fear and allow itself to be patted. If nothing startled it, the animal would even lie down, put its head on the maiden's lap, and go to sleep. Then it was time to spring the trap and capture the unsuspecting creature.