1. "You're ten minutes late again, Cheri. You know I like
my employees to be on time."
a. Cheri runs to the bathroom crying.
b. Cheri makes an excuse, saying that it was the traffic's
c. Cheri apologizes and then makes sure to be early the
rest of the week.
2. "Ted, your performance is down. We need twenty boxes packaged, and you've only done fifteen."
a. Ted says, "Well, if Billy could keep up, then maybe I could get my work done, too."
b. Ted focuses on his task at hand and tries hard to catch up.
c. Ted throws the boxes on the ground and leaves.
3. "You really need to keep up on your grooming and hygiene, Frank. I have been receiving complaints that you smell bad."
a. Frank apologizes and then comes to work showered and well-groomed the next day.
b. Frank takes his shoes off, so that the room smells even worse.
c. Frank goes on working, ignoring his boss.
4. "It looks like you've been rushing through your cleaning duties, Molly. I'd like you to go slower and do a better job."
a. Molly throws down her towel and sits on the ground in defeat.
b. Molly slows down in her work and tries to do a better job.
c. Molly speeds up even faster.
5. "Donny, I'd like to see you smile more as you greet our guests. After all, yours is the first face they see.-
a. Donny complains, "But I don't feel like smiling today."
b. Donny refuses to greet any more guests.
c. Donny takes pride in his role and welcomes the guests happily.