round out our role up next a letter
one that could patch as much as six thousand dollars when it goes up for
auction later this month why it involves the Titanic one of the most famous shipwrecks in history Titanic hit an iceberg on the night of April 14
1912 the ship that was called unthinkable sank within three hours have 2200 people on board about 700 got two lifeboats and survived that was one of the problems when the ship went down there were enough white boat for the people on board but there were still enough to hold just under twelve hundred people so why did only 700 survive because the lifeboats word filled to capacity one rumor i've why haunted the woman who wrote the letter up for auction this letter is hand-written
and it is by a survivor up the Titanic I'm lady lucy Duff Gordon she wrote this letter on May 27th 1912 she's writing to her very good friend that lives in New York and she begins the letter by saying thank you so much for your Carey concern because at the disaster that just happened she goes on to talk about her husband Cosmo lady lucy Duff Gordon was a very important fashion designer at the time this was definitely
a couple that had a lot of money and they ended up in lifeboat number one
that she and her husband Cosmo with the only ones that were asked to testify before the British Red commissioners inquiry she also says that after the fact that the tabloids went rampant saying that it was her husband they commandeered the lifeboat and the person that was rowing to say well we even faster don't put any more survivors on board now here are the facts that lifeboat could hold forty survivors the fact up why there were only 12 survivors in that lifeboat and not forty has never been corroborated but lady lucy Duff Gordon this letter to a friend in 1912 says that her husband never got over the rumors