I wrote to Franco that are the responsible of service in GI&E where he don’t know what is Daughter Conventional and Mother where I say the compressor in China must be modify as the one supply to OGE in blue you can see is answer in Italian Language (you can use google translator)
As I told you pay attentions with GI&E duo Lorenzo and Franco, even Pasquale maybe think different way, as you see when I mentioned after the visit of Pasquale many problem was solved, that are answer of Franco, the problem occurred because you change the parts, and not use the original GI&E, buy from the one, and you modify the parameter on the PLC.
Result all the problem are not due to GI&E quality that are a sheet, but because of you did modifications……and use not original parts think about that.
That are the main reason people leave this company they are a big layer and one say some different of Lorenzo they ask to leave.
I will make huge fight for that until the CEO put out the asshole Lorenzo and is friend, but my worry is the CEO will leave very soon as they to the other one like Marco, Maurizio and so on.
Don’t say nothing to them I will inform you step by step I want to see how much they are asshole and layer.
The other machines should have no problems but we do an update improvement included close valves input / output when the compressor is stopped.