16. You have heard that your friend had a serious accident. You visited her at the hospital. What do you say to her?
l. I'm so excited for you 2. Hope you recover soon. 3. Have an awful time here 4. You have had a privilege of being here.
17. You've just put a huge piece of meat on your dinner guest s plate when she reminds you she's a vegetarian. What do you say to her?
1. Please try it. I've cooked it myself. 2. That's too bad! This is really delicious. 3. I'm terribly sorry! I'll change your plate for you. 4. What's a pity! Could you just give that up for ten days?
18. You told your friend you've got ajob interview. He said, "Good for you! I'll keep my fingers crossed." He meant to say
1. Take it easy. 2. I wish you luck 3. Take it for granted 4. I'm glad to hear that
19. You went to your friend's new apartment. Your sister wanted you to tell her about it. She would ask:
1. Was it alright 2. How would that be 3. What would you like 4. Where would you like it to be