communication, accumulating and dispatching information and situated on the central repository of the system. Among the main functions of this agent is to capture and store information relating to the feedback feature implemented, collect information from all hotel agents about respective hotels which include data such as address, pricing and facilities, process query submitted by the search agent against data stored in the central database, querying the Directory Facilitator (DF) to know the registered hotel agents and executing popularity index calculations. G. Trusted Third Party (TTP) The trusted third party is a trust entity that is external and has the following responsibilities in the architecture of the system. Securely via an encrypted channel liaise with the hotel agent and booking agent for the purpose of authenticating the hotel booking and cancellation process. Securely liaise with card agent to validate hotels certificates. Securely verify client’s identity using biometric data- finger print matching techniques. Securely liaise with the security agent to obtain biometric information for authentication. H. Directory Facilitator (DF) The directory facilitator provides four methods for developers to interface with namely register, modify, deregister and search to aid in agent development and yellow page lookup of services for registered agents. All authorized agents are eligible for the services that are provided by the directory facilitator once registered. This includes a precise up-to-date list of all agents and services they provide. Agents can afterwards request the deregistration of a description at which time there is no longer an obligation on behalf of the directory facilitator to broker information on behalf of that agent. The agent is also able to request the directory facilitator to modify its agent description at any point in time for any reason. Agents can issue search requests to the directory facilitator to ascertain descriptions matching supplied search parameters. I. Mobile Device An android 2.2 smart phone with would be required by the end user for interfacing with our SAL-HSB application supported by a mobile network with reliable internet access and data services in order to allow for uninterrupted communication with the agent platform and other services on the internet for example Google maps API. This can also be supplemented with the use of an android emulator that mimics the mobile device when being developed. Having discussed the various agents in the SAL-HSB system developed from booking system point of view, we will see in detail the Hotel Booking and Cancellation process. J. Hotel booking