D. Research Questions and Hypothesis
Based on the objective of the study, the following research questions can be built:
1: Is there a significant difference in vocabulary competence between the method of using songs in YouTube and the
traditional method of teaching?
2: Is there a significant difference in vocabulary competence between pretest and posttest mean scores for those who
undergo the traditional method of teaching?
3: Is there a significant difference in vocabulary competence between pretest and posttest mean scores for those who
undergo the method of using songs in YouTube?
Accordingly, from the above questions, the following null hypothesis can be derived:
H01: There is no significant difference in vocabulary competence between the method of using songs in YouTube
and the traditional method of teaching.
H02: There is no significant difference in vocabulary competence between pretest and posttest mean scores for those
who undergo the traditional method of teaching.
H03: There is no significant difference in vocabulary competence between pretest and posttest mean scores for those
who undergo the method of using songs in YouTube.
A. Background of the Study
In Malaysia, vocabulary learning is a neglected area in English language teaching and more research is needed in this
field. Learning vocabulary is a very complex issue. According to Nation (2001), second language learners need to know
very large numbers of words as this may be useful for them in the long-term as learning vocabulary should not be a
short-term goal.
Vocabulary teaching and learning is an integral part in the Malaysian’s English Language Curriculum. Most students
face difficulties when they communicate in English because they lack the needed English vocabulary especially when it
involves complicated words. Therefore, it is significant to explore deeper on these difficulties as well as provide
innovative ideas in order to improve the teaching and learning of vocabulary. The first thing to be done is to look at the
strategies that the students use to learn new English words and make them aware that there are many vocabulary
learning strategies that they could use in learning new words, especially in a language other than their mother tongue.
As a result, this study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of using songs in YouTube to improve the vocabulary
competence among upper secondary school students.
B. Problem Statement
There is poor vocabulary competence among upper secondary school students in the school where the study
conducted. This is due to the lack of reading and speaking in the target language. Words are the basic unit of language
form. Without sufficient vocabulary, students cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas. Having limited
vocabulary is also a barrier that prevents students from learning a language. If learners do not know how to expand their
vocabulary, they gradually lose interest in learning. Many students consider learning vocabulary a tedious job.
Generally, they have lack of interests in learning English language as they find it a dry and difficult subject to learn. As
a result, most students dislike learning English; and although they attend English lessons, they are not interested in
learning or speaking English properly.
D. Research Questions and Hypothesis
Based on the objective of the study, the following research questions can be built:
1: Is there a significant difference in vocabulary competence between the method of using songs in YouTube and the
traditional method of teaching?
2: Is there a significant difference in vocabulary competence between pretest and posttest mean scores for those who
undergo the traditional method of teaching?
3: Is there a significant difference in vocabulary competence between pretest and posttest mean scores for those who
undergo the method of using songs in YouTube?
Accordingly, from the above questions, the following null hypothesis can be derived:
H01: There is no significant difference in vocabulary competence between the method of using songs in YouTube
and the traditional method of teaching.
H02: There is no significant difference in vocabulary competence between pretest and posttest mean scores for those
who undergo the traditional method of teaching.
H03: There is no significant difference in vocabulary competence between pretest and posttest mean scores for those
who undergo the method of using songs in YouTube.
A. Background of the Study
In Malaysia, vocabulary learning is a neglected area in English language teaching and more research is needed in this
field. Learning vocabulary is a very complex issue. According to Nation (2001), second language learners need to know
very large numbers of words as this may be useful for them in the long-term as learning vocabulary should not be a
short-term goal.
Vocabulary teaching and learning is an integral part in the Malaysian’s English Language Curriculum. Most students
face difficulties when they communicate in English because they lack the needed English vocabulary especially when it
involves complicated words. Therefore, it is significant to explore deeper on these difficulties as well as provide
innovative ideas in order to improve the teaching and learning of vocabulary. The first thing to be done is to look at the
strategies that the students use to learn new English words and make them aware that there are many vocabulary
learning strategies that they could use in learning new words, especially in a language other than their mother tongue.
As a result, this study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of using songs in YouTube to improve the vocabulary
competence among upper secondary school students.
B. Problem Statement
There is poor vocabulary competence among upper secondary school students in the school where the study
conducted. This is due to the lack of reading and speaking in the target language. Words are the basic unit of language
form. Without sufficient vocabulary, students cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas. Having limited
vocabulary is also a barrier that prevents students from learning a language. If learners do not know how to expand their
vocabulary, they gradually lose interest in learning. Many students consider learning vocabulary a tedious job.
Generally, they have lack of interests in learning English language as they find it a dry and difficult subject to learn. As
a result, most students dislike learning English; and although they attend English lessons, they are not interested in
learning or speaking English properly.
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