Melissa officinalis (English: Kitchen Mint) is a perennial herb and plant is in there, as well as Gu Lamiaceae lamin origin comes from the southern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. When full grown are about 70-150 cm high, the section would look similar to the crop in the aroma, as well as similar a Gu lamin lime and every. At the end of the summer the blossom color khao Melissa officinalis trees filled with perfume and nectar contained within. This appeal came to suck nectar, bees, Melissa officinalis is often used as an ingredient in ice cream and herbal tea. Both hot and cold, and is often mixed with other kinds of herbs in the diet, such as sapaemin is also suitable as a side dish on the shank, fresh fruits and desserts poemin peptide or Melissa officinalis Japan Mint (Peppermint, Menthapiperita) is the same herb Melissa officinalis common spiny long robe from Egypt by the Mint (Mentha or Mint) to help relieve the symptoms of an infection in the throat to fix agen. To mount the car resulted in the mind refreshing rejuvenate relax from exhaustion and reduce shock to help relax.