Dear Khun Nitaya,
Dear Khun Jariya,
I contact you directly as BIG CAMERA - Big C Phuket branch (138) where I bought my last camera was unable to give me more information.
It looks good selling booth but limited for after sale services and questions, and I did not get the real answers to my questions ... more and less the answers was "don't know" or "Bangkok" ... I even have to find by myself your contact addresses.
I live in Thailand for more than 10 years and have bought several times cameras and accessories with BIG CAMERA, without any problem.
I own already a Ricoh GXR camera since more than 3 years (camera unit #15106059) and many accessories also (A12 50mm - A12 M mount - GF-1 flash ...), all without technical problem.
On last 4 June I bought, with BIG CAMERA Big C Phuket, a second camera RICOH GXR kit: body + S10 unit.
Since the first shoot, the S10 module (#05105298) has shown a problem of pixels damaged (visible under .DNG file) and has been already sent for service under warranty (BC-BC tracking number 58138/000062)
Then I have recently installed a screen protector from BIG CAMERA brand, but, after few days only, it has removed some parts of the coating of the screen, and the LCD screen of this brand new camera unit (#15105956) shows now damages.
I don’t think the problem comes from the screen protector that your company sold, but from the Ricoh GXR Digital Camera Body with S10 24-72mm Lens Kit that I bought.
The screen coating seems too weak or too old!
I guess that this brand new camera is in fact a stock clearance after the end of GXR system production! The camera unit serial number is in fact anterior, or nearly same, of the one I already bought 3 years ago.
I suppose that the long-term storage of this model, in your company or in the RICOH Thailand Company, although I do not know the circumstances, has consequently accelerated the weak and the age of the screen coating.
This is also probably responsible of the problem already encountered with the lens unit.
Problem on the sensor unit + problem on the camera unit: this is a very rare and suspicious probability with RICOH: it must be a logical explanation!
Moreover the kit I bought in BIG CAMERA Phuket Big C Branch was opened and the original kit was exchanged: the camera unit was not the original that it was supposed to be inside the box: the camera module (body) was in fact #15105956 written manually on the box bar code and not the #15103430 registered on the official warranty certificate inside the box (documents attached).
I have noticed this on the 4 June when I bought the kit and the reply was "no problem for the warranty".
So for which reason the camera unit as been exchanged? For another camera unit problem replacement? From where the body #15105956 is coming? Where the warranty card for this body? Can I know little bit more about the kit it was sale to me as brand new?
I have no reply yet to all these questions!
You will understand easily that after a month & half only (barely more than 100 pictures to the counter!) with one-year warranty and as a regular customer, I cannot accept such a rapid and abnormal deterioration, even if I can accept to be trap in the lost of time and use due to these addition of problems.
The body camera is now with BIG CAMERA Big C Phuket and the tracking number is BC-BC 58138/000075.
It is supposed to be send in Bangkok on next Monday.
I thank you in advance to follow this case and to perform under warranty, by RICOH company or by BIG CAMERA Company, the appropriated service: re-treatment of the coating, or replacement of the LCD screen.
I thank you also in advance for your reply to my questions regarding the kit opened and exchanged.
It would be nice and very professional that on the final step I could receive as soon as possible the kit I was supposed to buy, without problem or with all problems fixed.
Best Regards