Urgently Required
Human Resource Manager
- Bachelor's degree
- Experience in Personnel Dept., Labour Law
Computer Executive
-Male/Female age 25 years up
-Diploma or Higher in Computer Electronic or related field
-Can support both hardare and software
-HP 3000 computer experience will be an advantage.
Pleae send your applications and resume with a recent photo to:
Charoong Thai Wire Cable Co Ltd.
How many positions are required?
a.One position. b.Two position. c. None. d.Three position.
What position are raquired.
a.Human Resources Manager.
b.Neither Human Resources Manager nor Computer Executive.
c.Both Human Resources and Computer Execuive.
d.Either Human Resources Manger or Computer Executive.
How can the interested candidate apply? He/She can apply______________
a.by writing.
b.in person.
c.send his/her applicantion from.
d.by sending his/her applicantion togethe with esume.
Who required the above positions? The above positions are required by_________
a. Human Resources Manager
b. Computer Executive.
c. Both Human Resources Manager and Computer Executive.
d. Charoong Thai Wire & Cable Co., Ltd