1. One of the strategies GM is using to regain some of its margin is c การแปล - 1. One of the strategies GM is using to regain some of its margin is c โครเอเชีย วิธีการพูด

1. One of the strategies GM is usin

1. One of the strategies GM is using to regain some of its margin is cutting back on the
number of platforms on which they will produce their automobiles. This action is
indicative of GM using a(n) ________________ approach to deal with their situation.
A. defender
B. prospector
C. analyzer
D. administrator
E. reactor
2. Based on its past history of bankruptcy and government bailouts, it appears that GM
previously waited until they were facing a crisis before they addressed their problems. As
such, GM could be described as a company that was a _______________.
A. defender
B. prospector
C. analyzer
D. administrator
E. reactor
3. Daniel Akerson, GM’s CEO was __________when he said that GM needs to focus .on
profits and margins and not necessarily try to post numbers on the board..
A. dreaming
B. imagining
C. planning
D. leading
E. engineering
4. According to the planning/control cycle, which of the following actions taken by GM
would best be described as being part of step 4, .controlling the direction.?
A. Deciding to boost sales by giving incentives in 2011.
B. Deciding to cut incentives in 2012.
C. Seeking bankruptcy and bailout protection.
D. Attempting to have a 10% margin.
E. Shooting for $10 billion in profits.
5. Daniel Akerson’s statement concerning GM’s need to focus .on profits and margins and
not necessarily try to post numbers on the board. seems to indicate that perhaps GM is
attempting to alter which component of the planning process?
A. The organization’s mission and vision.
B. Their production strategy.
C. Their strategic control system.
D. Their operational planning.
E. Implementation of the organization’s strategic plan.
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ผลลัพธ์ (โครเอเชีย) 1: [สำเนา]
1. Jedna od strategija GM se koriste kako bi povratio nešto od svoje marže je rezanje natrag na
broj platformi na kojima će se proizvoditi svoje automobile. Ova akcija je
indikativno GM koristite (n) ________________ pristup nositi s njihovom situacijom.
A. Branitelj
B. ruda
C. analizator
D. Administrator
E. Reaktor
2. Na temelju svojih prošlih povijesti stečajnih i državnih spašavanja, čini se da je GM
je prethodno čekao dok su bili okrenuti krizu prije nego što se bavi njihovim problemima. Kao
takva, GM bi se moglo opisati kao tvrtka koja je _______________.
A. Branitelj
B. ruda
C. analizator
D. Administrator
E. Reaktor
3. Daniel Akerson, GM-ov izvršni direktor bio __________when kazao da GM treba usredotočiti .Na
dobit i marže, a ne nužno pokušati objaviti brojeve na brodu ..
A. Dreaming
B. zamišljajući
C. Planiranje
D. Vodeći
E. inženjering
4. Prema planiranje / regulacijski ciklus, koji će od sljedeće radnje poduzete od strane GM
će najbolje opisati kao dio koraku 4, .controlling smjer.?
A. Odlučivanje povećati prodaju dajući poticaja u 2011.
B. Odlučivanje smanjiti poticaje u 2012.
C Tražim stečaj i zaštite spašavanja.
D. Pokušaj da imaju 10% marže.
E. Snimanje za 10 milijardi dolara profita.
5. Izjava Daniel Akerson koji se odnosi na GM-ovu potrebu da se usredotoči .Na dobit i marže i
ne mora nužno pokušati objaviti brojeve na brodu. Čini se da ukazuju na to da je možda GM je
pokušavao da promijeni Koji komponentu procesa planiranja?
A. Organizacije misija i vizija.
B. Njihova proizvodnja strategija.
C. Njihov strateški sustav kontrole.
D. Njihov operativno planiranje.
E. Provedba strateškog plana organizacije.
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