Ainz’s emotions would immediately be repressed once they reached a certain point, but up till now, there was no such feeling, which meant there wasn’t too much embarrassment. This result only told Ainz one thing.
Does this means that I have developed some immunity to shame play… I couldn’t be an M, right…? I always felt I was more of an S…
TL Note: M = Masochist, S = Sadist, if you didn’t already know.
“Now that we have returned to town, our job has come to an end.”
Replaying the scenes and still images of his past, Ainz compared them to his current mental state and agonized over his own fetishes. While doing that, Enfrea chatted with Peter.
“Yes, you are right, with this your job is over. Then… Although I am ready to pay the agreed reward, but… to also pay the additional reward that we spoke of in the forest, would it be alright if you come over to the shop at my home?”
The rear of Enfrea’s carriage was filled to the brim with many herbs. Not only that, but also some timber, some fruits that grew to look like branches, a huge mushroom large enough to cover a person and a variety of very tall grass. If seen by a layman, they would feel that these were just many simple plants, however for an expert, this was a shining jeweled mountain.
These were all from the time when Ainz tamed the Virtuous King of the Forest, this allowed them to safely explore his domain. In there they found a variety of precious herbs and many other herbs that could be used to make potions, Enfrea who harvested non-stop agreed to give them an additional amount of money for it.
“Momon-san should first go visit the Adventurer’s Guild!”
“Eh, that’s right. Because I brought a magical beast into the city, I need to register the Virtuous King of the Forest in the Adventurer’s Guild.”
“Although it is troublesome, but there is no choice.”
“We also mopped up the ogres and other monsters together, how about it? Why don’t we head to the Adventurer’s Guild together?”
“Well——no, this time we mostly relied on Momon-san, we will head to Enfrea-san’s home first, at least we will help with some chores or move some of the herbs. Otherwise to receive the same reward as Momon-san would be unjustified.”
The Sword of Darkness members all nodded in response to Peter’s remarks, but Enfrea politely interrupted: