Next, we calculated the out-of-sample performance of the randomly selected portfolios according to equations (5) and (6), the averages of which are shown in the second
column of table 4.
We conclude that, roughly spoken, the optimal GA tracker, on average, performs almost four times better than a randomly selected portfolio with optimized stock weights.
We further selected the 10 highest, respectively lowest capitalized stocks in the AEX-index using equal weights,the tracking errors of which are shown in the fourth column
of table 4 and the tracking behaviors of which are shown in figure 2.
Actually, the tracking errors of the portfolio consisting of the 10 highest capitalized stocks appear to be quite small although the performance in terms of the value
of this portfolio is slightly worse than that of the index.
In addition we observe that the tracking errors of the lowest capitalized stocks in the AEX-index appear to be higher while the performance in terms of the value of this stock
is much better than the AEX-index.
Finally we applied full replication of the AEX-index, the performances of which are
shown in the last column.
As expected, these performances are very well although not 100% due to (small) intermediate changes of the composition of the AEX-index in the out-ofsample
test data.