These 18 forms, have male to have the female, is the elegant bearing, the rare facial features are handsome, the female beautiful appearance is extraordinary, youngest, should be only 20 over, oldest does not have over 30 years old, strength most weak one, is Seventh Rank Martial Lord, strength most powerhouse and that Zhao Genshuo is the same, is Ninth Rank Martial Lord.
These people, are the same to Zhao Genshuo, is the Azure Tree South Forest key trained object, this year will then escort to the Azure Tree South Forest person, is Azure Tree South Forest most outstanding disciple.
Knew that Chu Feng, then collectively reached agreement, wants to visit Chu Feng together, actually after does not want to come here, saw Zhao Genshuo shamed one of the south sea area people.
„Zhao Genshuo is, what you making? Is same side disciple, how can you shame fellow female apprentices like this?” After falling, a female, to Zhao Genshuo evil conduct, denounced severely.
„Yo, is you, just right that comes, how having a look at me to tidy up the southern sea area, waste of this crowd of not knowing good from bad.” Sees these 18 people, Zhao Genshuo laughs, on the face does not have to dread slightly, instead goes to Li Lei and other people of south sea area the vision once again, said loud:
„Your this crowd of Eastern Sea Region waste, let my Azure Tree South Forest every year, sends out many Elder, dragging in too many people meets you, result these many years pass by, your south sea area has not come out a nice fellow, completely is the waste that my Azure Tree South Forest sets the base, you to my Azure Tree South Forest for many years cultivation? Do you do right by my Azure Tree South Forest pains?”
Regarding Zhao Genshuo interrogation, Li Lei and others all lowers the head does not speak, because Zhao Genshuo said right, besides them, in this Azure Tree South Forest, human from south sea area, even some people, they also knew.
However, no matter they are how fierce in the south sea area, to be how outstanding, how many things around a center, however in arriving at this Holy Land of Martialism, after joining this Azure Tree South Forest, indeed became existence that sets the base, they here, cannot gain ground, is similar to the waste is indeed ordinary.
„Ha, one crowd of waste, I do not feel embarrassed you today, so long as you open the mouth to acknowledge that said are the waste, I put you to walk.”
„But if in you, if whose agree did not acknowledge one are the waste, I do not feel embarrassed you similarly, but, you may probably kneel here, who dares to stand, I then break his leg.” Zhao Genshuo, points at people to shout to clear the way once again.
„Zhao Genshuo, you insane inadequate? Like this treats same side fellow apprentice fellow, did not fear that Sir Head Teacher does punish in you?” In 18 people , the man opens the mouth to say.
„Punishes me? Why can punish me? Do I have the mistake? I let this crowd of waste, acknowledged that they are the waste, what wrong do I have? Aren't they the waste? You said that they are waste?” Zhao Genshuo is pointing at Li Lei and others, while said to 18 National People's Congress sounds.
But regarding Zhao Genshuo issue, that 18 people also each other mutually looks at once, does not know how should reply, asked in their hearts, Li Lei isn't and others the waste?
Yes, naturally is, is Azure Tree South Forest noblest disciple, their arrogant very much, common Elder does not place in the eye, let alone is this crowd does not have the background, setting the base disciple?
But they, why also asked favor for Li Lei and others, was the sudden good intention? No, they do not have are so good, does not have good intention that they look completely in the Chu Feng face.
The Chu Feng actions, already spread in the south sea area, all people know Chu Feng greatly, not only cuts to kill Han Family Elder and disciple, lords it over in Qingmu Nalin, how Han Family nobody dares, was expelled by him.
Such character, is doomed to become the Azure Tree South Forest key trained object, said of pleasant to hear, their 18 people are visit Chu Feng, said that the sentence is not of pleasant to hear, they are hold the Chu Feng thigh, therefore at this moment they for Li Lei and others speech.
They are not the sincerity must help Li Lei and other people of south sea area, they in fact want to pat the Chu Feng flatter.